WARNING: If you want to be a sports business version of a utility infielder, you shouldn’t waste your time reading about our open positions.

To become a superstar with teams, you need to first know that it all starts with tickets and corporate partnerships. Tickets and corporate partnerships are the lifeblood of sports teams. Once you learn truly learn how to market tickets and activate corporate partnerships–then it’s on to making sure these accounts renew year after year. Learn these, and you’ve got the right ticket to run teams. 

So, we start our people on our lifeblood—remember, that’s revenue from ticket sales and partnerships. We don’t give a phone book or a stale customer service manual and tell you to go sell tickets or service our clients. Our philosophy is train, train, train, and when we get tired of that, we train some more. Our goal is to accelerate your growth as fast as we can. 


Do you want to be a superstar in sports business? That’s the first qualification. If you answered yes, then answer two more questions: 1) do you have a strong work ethic and 2) do you have desire to learn and excel? 


You may be asking yourself what are the chances to eventually run a team someday? This is a good question to ask. If you are a true superstar, your chances of staying on with our team are high. We own three teams in the Northwoods League. We’re planning on buying more. We would like to populate management positions in those teams with people that have learned our marketing methods. We’ll train you, we’ll encourage you to become successful, and then we’ll look for you to do the same with recruits at our other teams.

The pressure is on you to listen, learn, grow, excel, execute and show us that we just can’t sell tickets or service our accounts without you.

If you're up for the challenge, please review our open positions and send an email to our General Manager John Bollinger (bismarckbaseballisback@gmail.com) with your resume attached.

We are hiring for the following positions:

  • Corporate Marketing Manager
  • Group Sales Manager
  • Seasonal Inside Sales Representative
  • Partnership Activation Coordinator

For detailed job descriptions, click here.

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