

About admin-eau

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So far admin-eau has created 1121 blog entries.

Loggers Log Win in La Crosse


La Crosse, WI - The Express made the trip down Highway 93 Friday Night to take on the Loggers in [...]

Loggers Log Win in La Crosse2023-07-22T16:09:12+00:00

Express Split Series with Bucks


Waterloo, IA - The Express split the 2-game series with the Bucks in Waterloo with a Wednesday loss of 3-9. [...]

Express Split Series with Bucks2023-07-20T15:32:09+00:00

Express Get it Done in Waterloo


Waterloo, IA - The Express traveled south of the Wisconsin border Tuesday night to take on the Waterloo Bucks. The [...]

Express Get it Done in Waterloo2023-07-19T14:39:29+00:00

Express Fall to Late-Game Push


Eau Claire, WI -  The Express struggled again late in this Sunday matinee game, losing 11-18 vs. the Rochester Honkers. [...]

Express Fall to Late-Game Push2023-07-16T22:55:24+00:00
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