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Published On: January 23rd, 2015

Elliott Engle – Doane College
2011, 2012, 2013 Rochester Honkers
Photo of Elliott pitching in his final season with Doane College

What’s your favorite memory while playing for the Rochester Honkers?
EE: My favorite memory was being able to dance with the Zooperstars.

What's your favorite non-playing memory from your time with the Rochester Honkers?
EE: When Zach Etheredge was the coach, to get to know all the players on the team, we had to get infront of the whole team and tell the most embarrassing moment and sing a minute of your favorite song.

Who was your favorite teammate when you played for the Rochester Honkers and why?
EE: My favorite teammates would be Reid Roper and Nick Dolsky because we spent 3 years together or Kevin Johnson and Mason Pingel (the funniest kid in the world) who spent 2 years with me.

What has happened to you since you left Rochester and what are you doing now?
EE: Since leaving Rochester I finished my degree and am currently pursuing a professional career in baseball.

What was your biggest realization while playingfor the Rochester Honkers?
Biggest realization was that the kids like myself who came from a small school (NAIA) can compete with the athletes that come from the NCAA schools.

Do you stay in contact with former teammates? If so, who?
I try to stay in touch with as many as possible through facebook and text a few of them.