Throughout the year, St. Cloud Rox players, coaches, staff members, and mascot Chisel attend local libraries, schools, camps, and nursing homes to visit with fans of all ages. At these appearances, the Rox often read, play games, share stories and even give some baseball instruction.

Mascot Appearances

Central Minnesota’s beloved mascot is happy to join you for your next event. Chisel is available for parades, funfairs, school assemblies, store openings, and other events.

The following steps must be taken to schedule a Chisel appearance:

  • Request Form and submit it to the Rox at least four weeks before the desired appearance date.
  • Submitting a completed form does not guarantee an appearance by Chisel. A Rox staff member will contact you upon receipt of the completed form.
  • All requests must be submitted in this format and will be considered on an individual basis.
  • All appearances are subject to the St. Cloud Rox approval.
  • The client must provide secured parking and a dressing room for Chisel.
  • Chisel does not speak but communicates through pantomimes, poses for pictures, signs, and autographs.
  • Chisel reserves the right to walk away from any appearance that he deems unsafe or harmful to the performer and/or guests. No refunds.
  • Appearances are $60 per hour. Appearances are kept to a maximum of one hour. Payment is due prior to the appearance.

Coach/Player Appearances

Whether it is for a little league opening day ceremony, a school event or an instructional clinic, Rox coaches and players are available to make appearances at your next event.

The following steps must be taken to schedule a coach/player appearance:

  • A Coach/Player Appearance Request Form must be completed in order to book an appearance.
  • Depending on the event, there could be a $60 charge for each hour per coach.
  • Must be scheduled at least four weeks in advance of the desired event date.
  • Submitting a completed form does not guarantee an appearance by a Rox coach/player.
  • All requests must be submitted in this format and will be considered on an individual basis.
  • All appearances are subject to the Rox Approval.
  •  Please note: player appearances are not available during the offseason.

Staff Speaking Engagements

The St. Cloud Rox front office staff is happy to attend speaking engagements for classrooms, civic groups, church, businesses as well as others. We’ve got you covered! The Rox are committed to being active in the community. A Staff Speaker Appearance Request Form must be completed in order to book an appearance. All visits are FREE of charge and are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Talks can be tailored to your groups’ interests or could be a synopsis of the Rox and their “Rox Solid Fun.” Topics of Rox talks could include:

  • The history of the Rox and the Northwoods League.
  • Player development.
  • Fan experience and the Rock Pile.
  • Rox in the community.
  • The economic impact of the Rox in Central Minnesota.

Please note: We will do everything we can to be a part of your event, but not all requests can be fulfilled, especially once the baseball season begins.