Alicia and Tom Uhde have been one of the Larks Host Families since the 2018 season. They have hosted ten players over the span of three seasons and now help head the Larks Host Family Program. We spoke with them about their time as a Host Family.
From the Northwoods League’s inception in 1994, generous families and individuals have warmly offered their homes and provided welcoming food and lodging for student-athletes traveling from far and wide. This has created an immediate “booster club” and a dedicated fan base within each Northwoods League community.
Alicia and Tom Uhde have been a huge part of the Larks Host Family Program throughout the history of the Larks franchise.
How did you become a host family with the Larks?
We both really enjoyed going to the games before we hosted. We thought it would be a neat experience for our entire family. Some of our friends were host families and they told us how much their kids enjoyed interacting with the players. We liked the idea of having another older figure that our kids could look up to in the home. Now, three years later, we’re hooked and love it.
What is the most rewarding part of being a host family?
As a host family, we have had the opportunity to get to know people in the community, and players from all across the country. To see these young guys have a passion to grow themselves on the field and in the community is awesome. They’re mature, good people who we consider family. They’re appreciative of what we are able to provide them.
What would you say to someone interested in becoming a host family?
This is an opportunity to support young athletes and help them fulfill their dreams of making it to the majors. It’s fun watching your player hit a home run, steal a base, or make a double play. Being an athlete requires passion and dedication. These are important characteristics we want to instill in our kids.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I could snap my fingers, and the house would be clean. Wouldn’t it be nice if all our meals would be cooked and ready for us when we got home from work, school, or the ballpark? That would be sweet.